1001 Online Games - Play 1001 Online Games for Free at 1001OnlineGames.co.uk!
1001 Online Games

Game submission

- Do not submit copyright or trademark violating games!
- Do not submit games containing adult or gambling related content!
- You must be the developer or the sponsor of the game. By submitting the game, you give us permission to use the game and thumbnail on our websites and to use the thumbnail for promotional purposes.
- Make sure the game is not already on our website. If the game was submitted before and not accepted, please don't re-submit the game!
- Please include a nice and correct sized (100 x 75 pixels) ingame thumbnail. Better thumbnails will attract more players!
- We don't like games with too many in-game ads or too many outgoing links.
- If the game is sponsored, we prefer that the sponsor site is hosting some of our free games. IMPORTANT!

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